




                                                                                BY POSTAL DEPARTMENT

This workshop was compiled by

Mr.L.Mohammed Irfan Khan


Mr.H.Kamal Clement

Mr.Khan ignited the minds of the students with his innovative and inspiring talk about “PHILATELY”.

He spoke about the stamps, its usage, its value and its various kinds whether it is the “commemorative”, “definitive” or the unique ones like the inverted images, scented and the vignette types.

Mr.Khan , also gave the definition of “commemorative” stamps saying that it is printed as a ‘tribute’ to the great personalities. While “definite” stamps were the ones which are commonly used by the public.

The power point presentation about the various varieties of stamps was really very enchanting and knowledgeable. It was actually a feast to the eye.

A mini quiz was held and students enthusiastically participated. Finally, two students were awarded prizes and the workshop came to a close with the enriched memories of “PHILATELY”.